Monday, November 26, 2012


(Because Elliott is chronically unable to adhere to deadlines and feels intensely guilty about it, welcome to a brand new feature of Song of the Daffodil: Fun With Covers!)

This was the cover I grew up with, and honestly, from a purely nostalgic standpoint, I think it still looks awesome.  From a standpoint of a person who has eyes and uses them for seeing, I think that little yellow marquee makes it look as though The Woman Who Rides Like A Man is a new Broadway musical featuring songs by Elton John.

A more recent reprint, in which Farrah Fawcett waves are apparently the biggest trend to hit the Great Southern Desert.

An older cover in which everything looks very Lawrence of Arabia and Moonlight seems to have gone for a dye job.

Yet another old one.  Faithful is the size of a large dog, and Moonlight has once again been to the salon.  So has Alanna, judging by her mom hair.  Dude in the background is like, "Comb that shit out and reset it, girl."

Alanna just got back from a Barbarella audition, for which she borrowed Moonlight's leg warmers.  Not pictured: Faithful.  Definitely pictured: Hilarity.

 This is the edition currently for sale at the local bookstore, and every time I see it I start cackling gleefully.  Alanna has capsleeves and wears low-rise jeans!  The ember-stone is a pretty green necklace!  Jon and George are doing their best Edward and Jacob impressions in the background!  And the text looks like someone tried to make a blingee and the screen froze.  Favourite cover of all time.

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