Alanna appears to be in the Colusseum. Her shirt reminds me of the part of Anne of Green Gables where Anne gets near-homicidal over those goddamn puffed sleeves.
One of the special edition covers. My favourite thing about this one is Alanna's hat, not only because it makes her look like Allan a Dale but because the button has an 'a' on it. You know, just in case she forgets her name.
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn defeat the Ysandir, keep frogs in their pockets.
This... well, this is one of the most unsettling things I've seen in a long time. Alanna looks like a cross between Billy Corgan with pink eye and one of the Children of the Damned. Does she lack the capacity to love? Will this kid send you to the cornfield if you think bad thoughts? Do we really want to give her access to weapons???
In which Alanna and Jon both look like Swedish lesbians.
I love this one because it feels like the artist just kind of gave up. "So this is a book about a magical crossdressing chick with purple eyes who fights demons? What is the least ridiculous thing I can- you know what? Fuck it. I'll draw a sword."
This is either a legit French cover or some bullshit someone made on the Internet. Due to the art style, it looks less like a book and more like Final Fantasy XXVVVIII: Here's A Goddamn Castle.
Again, this is the cover currently gracing my local book store. Note the blingee font again, and the fact that they tried to sex up a probably-eleven-year-old Alanna. Sadly MIA: capsleeves, love triangle.
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